Thursday, March 19, 2009


I apologize for the delay between posts.  I was on Spring Break last week and computer-less at the beach.  I am sad to report that I did not get very tan.  Instead, I confused myself with an egg and fried the crap out of my arms and legs.  It has been almost two weeks since that fateful day of burning, and I am still peeling.  Seriously, my arms think they are snakes and that it is necessary to shed a layer of skin.  It's pretty gross but also weirdly fascinating.  

Today one of my besties Taylor is coming to Athens because her professional dance company Project 7 is performing all weekend at the Morton Theatre.  I am so excited!!!  I can't think of the last time we have seen each other, that's how long it has been. I am pretty crappy at keeping in touch with friends because we are all so dispersed in college.  But it's also pretty cool that I have such great friendships that even if we haven't seen each other in a while, once we do it is like not a single day has gone by.  We just pick right up where we left off.  

As the semester is inching closer and closer to the end, I am feeling more and more overwhelmed.  I have tons of major assignments and tests in every class that just keep piling up.  I nearly have a nervous breakdown every time I look at my planner because each day seems to have an infinite number of tasks to accomplish.  Ahhh!!!!  I'll get through it though.  And I'll keep you posted on exactly how I manage to do so.