Sunday, April 26, 2009

A collage of words

Looong time no see.  Apologies, apologies, apologies.  I've had a lot of things going on lately, which I know of course is no excuse.  Last week, I had 2 presentations, a paper, 2 tests, and a quiz.  And private life stuff, too.  Life has just been throwing me a lot of curve balls recently.  Just have to get through the next two weeks like every other college kid dreading finals, I guess.

This sounds silly, but it's just so nice to be writing on here again.  It makes me have a small giddy feeling in my stomach.  Even though I haven't been writing on you, blog, you are always in my thoughts.  Whenever I get online and do the whole, "gmail, facebook, webct" trio, the next thing I do is search the internet for a pretty background to add to you.  I am kind of obsessed, and nothing I come across seems good enough.

So last night I went to Twilight, a bicycling event in downtown Athens that is just really cool.  It was basically a mix of a bike race, college stumbling with drinks in hand, and families with their children.  Odd combination, but together it just clicked.  I know it was no Tour de France, but the bikes just seemed to go so fast!  When you just looked at the whole street as a whole, the bikers were a complete blur, and instead when you just focused on a single biker himself, the background became really blurry.  That might sound really weird (and I was completely sober, I swear!).  

This Tuesday my roommates and I are going through our final walkthrough of our house before we move in mid-May.  It's finally happening, and I'm so excited!  I can't wait to move in, get settled, decorate, and just have fun.  I'm quite obsessed with HGTV, in particular House Hunters and Property Virgins.  I watch both every night, always putting myself in the people's shoes on tv looking for their new home and decorating it.  And now I get to have my very own house (with four other roommates that is!) but still.  After living in a dorm for one year and then a sorority house with almost 60 other girls, I can't wait to have my own place.  It'll be like my very own episode on HGTV.

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