Sunday, April 26, 2009

"Oh my god look!"

That is what I exclaimed to Nature Boy as I just uploaded my new AWESOME background!  Ahh!

A collage of words

Looong time no see.  Apologies, apologies, apologies.  I've had a lot of things going on lately, which I know of course is no excuse.  Last week, I had 2 presentations, a paper, 2 tests, and a quiz.  And private life stuff, too.  Life has just been throwing me a lot of curve balls recently.  Just have to get through the next two weeks like every other college kid dreading finals, I guess.

This sounds silly, but it's just so nice to be writing on here again.  It makes me have a small giddy feeling in my stomach.  Even though I haven't been writing on you, blog, you are always in my thoughts.  Whenever I get online and do the whole, "gmail, facebook, webct" trio, the next thing I do is search the internet for a pretty background to add to you.  I am kind of obsessed, and nothing I come across seems good enough.

So last night I went to Twilight, a bicycling event in downtown Athens that is just really cool.  It was basically a mix of a bike race, college stumbling with drinks in hand, and families with their children.  Odd combination, but together it just clicked.  I know it was no Tour de France, but the bikes just seemed to go so fast!  When you just looked at the whole street as a whole, the bikers were a complete blur, and instead when you just focused on a single biker himself, the background became really blurry.  That might sound really weird (and I was completely sober, I swear!).  

This Tuesday my roommates and I are going through our final walkthrough of our house before we move in mid-May.  It's finally happening, and I'm so excited!  I can't wait to move in, get settled, decorate, and just have fun.  I'm quite obsessed with HGTV, in particular House Hunters and Property Virgins.  I watch both every night, always putting myself in the people's shoes on tv looking for their new home and decorating it.  And now I get to have my very own house (with four other roommates that is!) but still.  After living in a dorm for one year and then a sorority house with almost 60 other girls, I can't wait to have my own place.  It'll be like my very own episode on HGTV.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dodging a bullet

Today, I dodged a bullet.  You see, I am lactose intolerant, and today I ran out of my lactaid pills. (No. lactaid pills are not for women who are lactating, as a few girls in my sorority have asked me.  They help people who have trouble digesting milk.)  I will spare you, my lovely followers, from the gritty details of my endless stomach issues, but let's just say that taking the lactaid pills significantly help my well-being!  

I was craving some of my left-over Dairy Queen Birthday cake (which is my absolute favorite cake of all time!!!), but I could not decide whether or not eating the ice cream cake sans pills would be worth my certain stomach malaise.  After constantly thinking about the cake through two rather boring classes, I rushed to the drug store and purchased the expensive meds.  And then I could eat my cake!  I know, mind-blowing stuff just know.  It was definitely earth shattering in my world, at lease!

So my 20th birthday was on Monday, and it was such a great birthday!  I went home the weekend right before and had a massage, went to Six Flags, and had a wonderful dinner with the fam and Nature Boy.  On Monday, twelve of my friends and I went to Speakeasy, an adorable Athens restaurant.  The dinner could not have gone better and the food could not have been more delicious!  It was really nice to have all my friends from all the different groups in one place.  And don't get me started on the spinach dip!!

To close this wonderful post, I would like to give a shout out to Nature Boy for the unbelievable gift he gave me!  You see, I am a label girl; I just don't have the means to afford most of it.  Well, the lovely bf went above and beyond what he should have and gave me a Coach satchel.  I have been secretly eyeing this purse for I don't know how long, and somehow he knew!  Merci beaucoup!