It's been weird cooking for myself. I am not the gourmet chef; my culinary experience ranges from mac and cheese to pb&j. So this is really an experimental stage in my cooking. And I feel oddly grown up. So for my very first meal alone, all I was trying to do was heat up some Transmet potato soup in the microwave. (I know, very top-chef.) But seriously, how hard can this be. I've been using the microwave since kindergarten. Well, the heating-the-soup was complicated because we have no dishware, yet. I had to heat up the soup in the styrofoam bowl it came in. Bad decision. Apparently styrofoam literally melts away when it is too hot. I picked up the bowl and the bottom no longer existed. I tried to catch the scalding soup with my hand. Oops. So my first cooking (really just heating up) experience in my new kitchen was a crappy experience.
I am interning at Cine as public relations/publicity/events intern, and I am so excited! It's such a cool, versatile space, and I am hoping to get experience doing tons of cool things. So far I've been brainstorming how to attract sororities to the space for things like date nights and formals, and I've also been brainstorming an event for children for this summer. Check Cine out! Seriously!
cine rules!