Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Welcome back to Athens

So I am officially moved into my Lumpkin house and it's seriously awesome!  I cannot describe how much I love my room!  It's big with lots of storage and decorated exactly how I envisioned it.  I love everything about it!  And the house in general is just great.  Front porch with swing, back screened in porch.  Today was the first day I took a shower in the house because the water hadn't been turned on previously, and I can't even complain about the water pressure.  It was just right.  

It's been weird cooking for myself.  I am not the gourmet chef; my culinary experience ranges from mac and cheese to pb&j.  So this is really an experimental stage in my cooking.  And I feel oddly grown up.  So for my very first meal alone, all I was trying to do was heat up some Transmet potato soup in the microwave.  (I know, very top-chef.)  But seriously, how hard can this be.  I've been using the microwave since kindergarten.  Well, the heating-the-soup was complicated because we have no dishware, yet.  I had to heat up the soup in the styrofoam bowl it came in.  Bad decision.  Apparently styrofoam literally melts away when it is too hot.  I picked up the bowl and the bottom no longer existed.  I tried to catch the scalding soup with my hand.  Oops.  So my first cooking (really just heating up) experience in my new kitchen was a crappy experience. 

I am interning at Cine as public relations/publicity/events intern, and I am so excited!  It's such a cool, versatile space, and I am hoping to get experience doing tons of cool things.  So far I've been brainstorming how to attract sororities to the space for things like date nights and formals, and I've also been brainstorming an event for children for this summer.  Check Cine out!  Seriously!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Obsession of the Day: Other Blogs

I have become an avid reader of several blogs since I began writing my own.  I find one that I begin to like, and through one blog I find another, and so on.  

The first blog I discovered was  Check it out!  It's quite funny, and the look of it is just really cool.  I think that dooce is one of the most popular blogs on the web, and I know it beat out as best American blog site.  dooce is just about a very sarcastic woman, Heather and her family.  Heather is a former Mormon turned atheist, and she has also battled severe depression.  She even had to check herself into an institution in order to save herself right after her daughter was born.

Heather's blog led me to, another blog about a sarcastic mother.  Tannis, the mother, is a little untraditional.  She has tatoos and has posted naked pics of herself on the blog.  She also loves to talk about boobs and sex.  

I then found, a blog about a 19 year old who just had a baby only a few days ago.  It's really cool how she has handled everything and hear her talking about becoming a brand new mom.  

From sarcastica, I found  I began to read this blog by yet another mother and her family when my heart was shattered.  Beautiful little Maddie passed away, and every word of her mother's just drips with unbearable sadness.  

From, I found what I believe to be my FAVE!  I found it yesterday, and I spend most of the day reading all of the past posts and SOBBING.  Not just crying a little, not just fully crying, but sobbing.  Matt's story is heartbreaking.  A year ago, his beautiful wife Liz, his high school sweat-heart and the love of his life, gave birth to a little girl named Madeline.  The following day, Liz stood up to go visit her baby and collapsed.  Liz never woke up.  In 27 hours, Matt lost his wife and true love but gained a daughter.  His blog follows him coping with his life and raising a daughter on his own.  He is never sappy or over-dramatic.  He is just completely real, and sometimes his realty is earth-shattering.  

So, apparently I like to read blogs about people raising little children.  I didn't even realize that until just now.  Interesting.  Oh, and I really like to read blogs that make me cry (and laugh), often in the same post.